Check out (English) or (Norwegian) for information.
The tourist information is open during the summer between 4. june until 9.august.
Opening hours:
Manday-Friday 09.00-17.30
Saturday-Sundays 09.30-17.00
The adress is:
Kaigata 8
9950 Vardo
You are welcomed to give us a call:
Tlf. (+47) 789 86 907 mobile: 405 53 777
Bygninger påført kunst ifbm. Komafest (street art in Vardø)
Hornøya (Information about the seabird cliff)
Varanger Museum (Information about the museum)
Vardøhus festning (Information about the fortress)
Steilnes minnested (Steilnes memorial)
Turistkart (Tourist map)
Kart til Steilneset Minnested (Map to Steilnes memorial)